Important Information
Online Learning Links |
Home Learning
Each half term, choose one or many of the suggestions in the Home Learning grid. In class, children will share all entries. Winning entries will then be shared in a Home Learning Gallery open to view for all parents at the end of the half term.
Home Fluency
Each week, we encourage children to read at least 5 times. They should always bring their Reading Diary into school to be checked and in case they read with an adult in school. Children will also be given a few spellings and maths facts each week. These will be introduced in school but can be practiced in the back of their Home Fluency book at home. They will be tested once a week in the front of their Home Fluency books. We encourage children to continue to practice spellings and maths facts for two further weeks as a recap. This supports their longer term memory.
Our Learning
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
Term 5 |
Term 6 |
Geography/History |
What was life like in Tudor England? |
How did the achievements of the Ancient Maya impact their society and beyond? |
Would you live in the desert? |
English |
Overcoming a problem tale and Explanation text |
Playscript and Biography |
Warning story and Persuasive advert |
Persuasive letter and Repetitive poem |
Science |
Life cycles and reproduction |
Imbalanced forces |
Human timeline and making connections |
Art/DT |
Structures: Bridges |
Mechanical systems: Pop up books |
Drawing: I need space |
Computing |
Computing systems and networks: Search engines |
Programming 2: Micro:Bit |
Creating media: Stop motion animation |
Skills showcase: Mars Rover 2 |
PE |
Indoor - Dance Outdoor - Netball |
Indoor - Gymnastics Outdoor - Hockey |
Indoor - Indoor fitness Outdoor - Tag rugby |
Indoor - Badminton and Boccia Outdoor - Ultimate frisbee |
Indoor - Dance Outdoor - Athletics |
OAA and Rounders |
Music |
French |
Quelle temps fait-il? (What is the weather like?) |
Boucle d'or et les trois ours (Goldilocks and the three bears) |
Les vetements (Clothes) |
Changing me |
RE |
Where did the Christian Bible come from? |
Jewish worship and community |
Buddhist worship and belief |
Stories of Christianity |
Belief in our community |