Is your child starting school in September 2025 or leaving an Infant school to begin Year 3 in September 2025?
Contact the school today to book onto a tour! Prospective new EYFS and Year 3 parents can join us for a tour of our school by staff and current Year 6 children. Meet with the EYFS team and hear about our school ROOTS and values that help our GLPS family grow. |
Welcome to Great Linford Primary SchoolLatest News:
Great Linford Primary School has now completed its federation with Greenleys Junior School. A new federation has been created called Aspire Learning Partnership of Schools (ALPS). A new governing board is now in place across both schools. Welcome From Mr Talbot (Executive Headteacher) Welcome to the Great Linford Primary School website. At Great Linford we firmly believe in our mission statement: 'ASPIRE - ACHIEVE - THRIVE - ENJOY'. At GLPS we work hard to ground our children using our 'ROOTS' approach where we teach children to: 'Respect all', 'Overcome challenges', 'Open minds', 'Take care ' and 'Speak kindly'. We know how important it is to choose the right school for your child and we hope the information within this website helps to give you a useful insight into our school and encourages you to take a closer look. We warmly welcome prospective parents and children to come and have a guided tour of the school, where my team will answer any questions or queries you may have. We are strong advocates of working in partnership with others and harnessing the benefits that this brings. I am both the Executive Headteacher at Greenleys Junior School (Wolverton) and Great Linford Primary School; I split my time between the two schools. My role focuses on delivering the strategic aims of both schools. Great Linford Primary School has a Head of School (Mr Bolger) to run and manage the school on a daily basis. Mr Bolger is supported by a fantastic team of professionals to deliver a wonderful school experience. We hope to see you at Great Linford in the near future. |
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Term Dates
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