Science at Great LinfordAt Great Linford Primary School we believe in a hands on approach to science. Through investigations and experiments we help our children learn about the world in new and exciting ways.
Our planning is based on the national curriculum objectives for each year group and we aim for at least half the lessons planned in a block to be active lessons. As part of the curriculum our pupils learn:
This year we have successfully achieved our Primary Quality Science Mark which recognises excellence in science teaching and learning. We are very proud to have achieved such a prestigious award as we have worked incredibly hard to improve our science curriculum in school.
Extra Curricular LearningIf you want to do more exciting experiments at home, then check out this website full of ideas for you to try at home!
Bring in photos of your experiments at home to share at school! (EYFS and KS1) (KS2) STEM workshopsGreat Linford have been lucky so far this year to be involved in lots of STEM related activities. From making musical instruments, being involved in our electric car project, designing and building catapults and making clay pots. Check out our pictures below!
Recent InvestigationsAs part of each new topic the children take part in an 'exploration lesson.' This is a lesson designed to capture the children's interest and ignite interesting questions to investigate throughout the topic. The basis of the lesson is to allow the children to explore manipulatives related to the topic. Check out the pictures of Year 5's exploration lesson into their new topic 'Earth and Space.'
Science Week at Great Linford!Last week, students took part in some exciting science activities to celebrate British Science Week. To end the week we had a forensic investigation expert who led a workshop and years 4, 5 and 6 had to solve a crime by gathering evidence and comparing fingerprints and DNA.