'ENJOY' After School Club?What is 'Enjoy' after school club?
'Enjoy' is the name of our school-led after school provision. 'Enjoy' is an additional traded service offered by Great Linford Primary School to provide high-quality childcare after normal school hours have finished. Costs and opening hours After school club runs from 3:15pm to 6.00pm term time only. Bookings can be made in three slots: Slot 1: 3.15pm to 4.15pm (1 hour) Slot 2: 3.15pm to 5.15pm (2 hours) Slot 3: 3.15pm to 6.00pm (2 hours 45 minutes) Charges Each time slot has a different charge: Slot 1: £4.25 Slot 2: £8.50 Slot 3: £10.50 If your child is in receipt of pupil premium the charges will be: Slot 1: £2.10 Slot 2: £4.20 Slot 3: £5.25 Bookings All bookings along with all payments must be made online using our online payment system. Parents/carers must sign their children in on the online system each day before 2:45pm. Please use the button below. *Please be aware - All payments are to be made before childcare is taken. Failure to make your payment may result in you being removed from the booking system. Location 'Enjoy' is held in the school hall and/or some of our outdoor areas. What do we do?Activities change regularly and include:
Snacks and Food:Available daily
3:15 - 4:15 - Juice and fruit. 4:15 - 5:45 - A light snack (for example: scrambled egg on toast or beans on toast) |
Our After School Club Team
Mr Ranger
Ms Dyer
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions for 'Enjoy' After School Club
We reserve the right to refuse registration or to cancel registration for children with ongoing discipline problems or who fail to abide by our behaviour policy. The parent/carer will receive one warning letter; a 2nd letter will result your child no longer being able to attend the club.
Payment is to be made prior to booking through our online payment system.
If not already registered for online payments please see the school office for details.
All absences must still be paid for because the slot has been booked.
If children are picked up later than 10 minutes after their booking ends, parents will be charged for the following time slot.
Failure to pay on time will result in the withdrawal of a place at the club.
We reserve the right to amend, where necessary, all terms, conditions and pricing. This will be revised accordingly.
This club is exclusively for the children of Great Linford Primary School.
A registration form must be fully completed and checked by a member of staff before being able to attend 'Enjoy' After School Club. This must include informing us about dietary and medical requirements and emergency contact numbers. The parent/carer and child will sign a code of conduct and registration assumes acceptance of our terms and conditions.
The Governing Body of the school is responsible for the admissions to the After School Club. Parents do not have a statutory right to appeal to an independent panel in relation to club admissions so it is essential that all admissions decisions can be justified by reference to the criteria outlined in this policy.
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. The school will hold a waiting list of applicants that have become unsuccessful. These will be listed in rank order in relation to the criteria. Should places become available in the term, then places will be offered in accordance with the child’s position on the waiting list. In the event of a tie break, the selection will be by open draw.
Admissions Criteria
Governors will consider applications in accordance with the following criteria:
Admission is conditional on the following undertakings by the parent /carer
We reserve the right to refuse registration or to cancel registration for children with ongoing discipline problems or who fail to abide by our behaviour policy. The parent/carer will receive one warning letter; a 2nd letter will result your child no longer being able to attend the club.
Payment is to be made prior to booking through our online payment system.
If not already registered for online payments please see the school office for details.
All absences must still be paid for because the slot has been booked.
If children are picked up later than 10 minutes after their booking ends, parents will be charged for the following time slot.
Failure to pay on time will result in the withdrawal of a place at the club.
We reserve the right to amend, where necessary, all terms, conditions and pricing. This will be revised accordingly.
This club is exclusively for the children of Great Linford Primary School.
A registration form must be fully completed and checked by a member of staff before being able to attend 'Enjoy' After School Club. This must include informing us about dietary and medical requirements and emergency contact numbers. The parent/carer and child will sign a code of conduct and registration assumes acceptance of our terms and conditions.
The Governing Body of the school is responsible for the admissions to the After School Club. Parents do not have a statutory right to appeal to an independent panel in relation to club admissions so it is essential that all admissions decisions can be justified by reference to the criteria outlined in this policy.
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. The school will hold a waiting list of applicants that have become unsuccessful. These will be listed in rank order in relation to the criteria. Should places become available in the term, then places will be offered in accordance with the child’s position on the waiting list. In the event of a tie break, the selection will be by open draw.
Admissions Criteria
Governors will consider applications in accordance with the following criteria:
- All Children Looked After, Adopted or Children on the Child Protection Register.
- All children of single working parents and carers requiring full time care on a regular basis for three or more days a week.
- All children of working parents and carers requiring full time care on a regular basis for three or more days per week.
- Other children at GLPS from EYFS to Year 6.
Admission is conditional on the following undertakings by the parent /carer
- Fees are promptly paid in advance.
- The behaviour of the child is acceptable for the safe and efficient running of the club.
- For all clubs, children will be accepted on the day if there are unforeseen, unexpected circumstances. This is down to the discretion of the club staff.