Great Linford Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. Great Linford Primary School is committed to ensuring that all our children and young people are safe and feel safe; that children, parents/carers and staff are able to talk about any safeguarding concerns and feel assured that they will be listened to; and that all staff and volunteers are aware of and implement safeguarding procedures and guidance, including what to do if they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm.
At Great Linford Primary School the welfare of our pupils is paramount.
Under the Children Act 1989 the School has a duty to keep all children safe and to protect them from harm.
GLPS follow Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 regulations.
Although all staff undergo safeguarding training, any issue or concern relating to a child must be referred to one of the trained safeguarding team:
Mr Bolger - Head of School & Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mr Jenkins - Deputy Headteacher & Deputy DSL
Mrs Newton - Learning Mentor & Deputy DSL
Mr Talbot - Executive Headteacher & Deputy DSL
Mr Silvester - Assistant Headteacher & Deputy DSL
Any case of suspected abuse will be monitored and will be referred to the Children’s Services Department of Milton Keynes Council.
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. Great Linford Primary School is committed to ensuring that all our children and young people are safe and feel safe; that children, parents/carers and staff are able to talk about any safeguarding concerns and feel assured that they will be listened to; and that all staff and volunteers are aware of and implement safeguarding procedures and guidance, including what to do if they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm.
At Great Linford Primary School the welfare of our pupils is paramount.
Under the Children Act 1989 the School has a duty to keep all children safe and to protect them from harm.
GLPS follow Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 regulations.
Although all staff undergo safeguarding training, any issue or concern relating to a child must be referred to one of the trained safeguarding team:
Mr Bolger - Head of School & Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mr Jenkins - Deputy Headteacher & Deputy DSL
Mrs Newton - Learning Mentor & Deputy DSL
Mr Talbot - Executive Headteacher & Deputy DSL
Mr Silvester - Assistant Headteacher & Deputy DSL
Any case of suspected abuse will be monitored and will be referred to the Children’s Services Department of Milton Keynes Council.
Child on Child Abuse
At Great Linford Primary School we recognise that children are vulnerable to and capable of abusing other children. We take such abuse as seriously as abuse perpetrated by an adult. This includes verbal as well as physical abuse. Child on child abuse will not be tolerated or passed off as part of “banter” or “growing up”.
We are committed to a whole school approach to ensure the prevention, early identification and appropriate management of child on child abuse within our school and beyond. All staff are expected to have read Sexual violence and sexual harassment advice alongside the Child Protection Policy.
In cases where child on child abuse is identified we will follow our child protection procedures, taking a contextual approach to support all children and young people who have been affected by the situation.
We recognise that child on child abuse can manifest itself in many ways such as:
• Child Sexual Exploitation
• Sexting or youth produced digital imagery
• Upskirting
• Bullying
• Radicalisation
• Abuse in intimate relationships
• Children who display sexually harmful behaviour
• Gang association and serious violence (County Lines)
• Technology can be used for bullying and other abusive behaviour
• Protected characteristics (Race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and gender identity, religion and belief discrimination)
*This list is not exhaustive
Some of these behaviours will need to be handled with reference to other policies in school such as the behaviour policy, anti- bullying policy, child protection policy and online safety policy.
Our Child on Child Abuse Policy can be found in the Policies tab on this website.
We are committed to a whole school approach to ensure the prevention, early identification and appropriate management of child on child abuse within our school and beyond. All staff are expected to have read Sexual violence and sexual harassment advice alongside the Child Protection Policy.
In cases where child on child abuse is identified we will follow our child protection procedures, taking a contextual approach to support all children and young people who have been affected by the situation.
We recognise that child on child abuse can manifest itself in many ways such as:
• Child Sexual Exploitation
• Sexting or youth produced digital imagery
• Upskirting
• Bullying
• Radicalisation
• Abuse in intimate relationships
• Children who display sexually harmful behaviour
• Gang association and serious violence (County Lines)
• Technology can be used for bullying and other abusive behaviour
• Protected characteristics (Race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and gender identity, religion and belief discrimination)
*This list is not exhaustive
Some of these behaviours will need to be handled with reference to other policies in school such as the behaviour policy, anti- bullying policy, child protection policy and online safety policy.
Our Child on Child Abuse Policy can be found in the Policies tab on this website.
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) and grooming (including online)
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a type of sexual abuse. Children in exploitative situations and relationships receive something such as gifts, money or affection as a result of performing sexual activities or others performing sexual activities on them.
Children or young people may be tricked into believing they’re in a loving, consensual relationship. They might be invited to parties and given drugs and alcohol. They may also be groomed online.
Some children and young people are trafficked into or within the UK for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation can also happen to young people in gangs. What marks out exploitation is an imbalance of power in the relationship.
The perpetrator always holds some kind of power over the victim which increases as the exploitative relationship develops.
Sexual exploitation involves varying degrees of coercion, intimidation or enticement, including unwanted pressure from peers to have sex, sexual bullying including cyber bully and grooming. However, it is important to recognise that some young people who are being sexually exploited do not exhibit any external signs of abuse.
Sexual exploitation can be very difficult to identify. Warning signs can easily be mistaken for ‘normal’ teenage behaviour.
Young people who are being sexually exploited may:
• go missing from home, care or education
• be involved in abusive relationships, intimidated and fearful of certain people or situations
• hang out with groups of older people, or antisocial groups, or with other vulnerable peers
• associate with other young people involved in sexual exploitation
• get involved in gangs, gang fights, gang membership
• have older boyfriends or girlfriends
• spend time at places of concern, such as hotels or known brothels
• not know where they are, because they have been moved around the country
• be involved in petty crime such as shoplifting
• have unexplained physical injuries
• have a changed physical appearance, for example lost weight.
(The information has been taken from the NSPCC website: )
At Great Linford Primary School we have a carefully sequenced Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum, delivered using the comprehensive Jigsaw PSHE/RSE materials, to support our pupils to remain safe. More about this can be found in the curriculum tabs on this website.
If you have any suspicion of intended or actual Child Sexual Exploitation concerns, please contact one of the Designated Safeguarding Team immediately.
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
Children or young people may be tricked into believing they’re in a loving, consensual relationship. They might be invited to parties and given drugs and alcohol. They may also be groomed online.
Some children and young people are trafficked into or within the UK for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation can also happen to young people in gangs. What marks out exploitation is an imbalance of power in the relationship.
The perpetrator always holds some kind of power over the victim which increases as the exploitative relationship develops.
Sexual exploitation involves varying degrees of coercion, intimidation or enticement, including unwanted pressure from peers to have sex, sexual bullying including cyber bully and grooming. However, it is important to recognise that some young people who are being sexually exploited do not exhibit any external signs of abuse.
Sexual exploitation can be very difficult to identify. Warning signs can easily be mistaken for ‘normal’ teenage behaviour.
Young people who are being sexually exploited may:
• go missing from home, care or education
• be involved in abusive relationships, intimidated and fearful of certain people or situations
• hang out with groups of older people, or antisocial groups, or with other vulnerable peers
• associate with other young people involved in sexual exploitation
• get involved in gangs, gang fights, gang membership
• have older boyfriends or girlfriends
• spend time at places of concern, such as hotels or known brothels
• not know where they are, because they have been moved around the country
• be involved in petty crime such as shoplifting
• have unexplained physical injuries
• have a changed physical appearance, for example lost weight.
(The information has been taken from the NSPCC website: )
At Great Linford Primary School we have a carefully sequenced Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum, delivered using the comprehensive Jigsaw PSHE/RSE materials, to support our pupils to remain safe. More about this can be found in the curriculum tabs on this website.
If you have any suspicion of intended or actual Child Sexual Exploitation concerns, please contact one of the Designated Safeguarding Team immediately.
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
Local safeguarding partners (LSPS)
The MK Together website contains a significant amount of safeguarding policies, procedures, information and resources. MK Together can be found at:
The MK Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) can be contacted on:
01908 253169 or 01908 253170
*Out of Hours: 01908 265545
email: [email protected]
The MK Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) can be contacted on:
01908 253169 or 01908 253170
*Out of Hours: 01908 265545
email: [email protected]
Great Linford Primary School is committed to providing the best educational experience for every child. Each member of the Great Linford Primary School community has the right to feel safe and secure at school, and shares the responsibility for helping to prevent bullying.
Bullying affects everyone, not just the bullies and the victims. It also affects those who watch, and less aggressive children can be drawn in by peer pressure. Bullying is not an inevitable part of school life or a necessary part of growing up, and it rarely sorts itself out. Only when all issues of bullying are addressed, will a child be best able to benefit from the opportunities available at Great Linford Primary School.
Great Linford Primary School is committed to anti-bullying. In the first instance, please contact your son/daughter’s class teacher to raise any concerns. Any bullying incidents reported will be dealt with quickly and effectively.
Our anti-bullying policy is available in the Policies tab on this website.
Bullying affects everyone, not just the bullies and the victims. It also affects those who watch, and less aggressive children can be drawn in by peer pressure. Bullying is not an inevitable part of school life or a necessary part of growing up, and it rarely sorts itself out. Only when all issues of bullying are addressed, will a child be best able to benefit from the opportunities available at Great Linford Primary School.
Great Linford Primary School is committed to anti-bullying. In the first instance, please contact your son/daughter’s class teacher to raise any concerns. Any bullying incidents reported will be dealt with quickly and effectively.
Our anti-bullying policy is available in the Policies tab on this website.
female genital mutilation (FGM)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) involves procedures that intentionally alter/injure the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. There are different procedures and a variety of reasons why FGM is carried out. All staff, parent and carers, and children need to be aware of the circumstances and occurrences that may point to FGM happening, as well as signs and symptoms that may indicate the child has undergone FGM.
The procedure is typically performed on girls aged between 4 and 13, but is also performed on new born infants and on young women before marriage / pregnancy. A number of girls die as a direct result of the procedure, from blood loss or infection. Girls are genitally mutilated illegally by doctors or traditional health workers in the UK, or sent abroad for the operation.
Female genital mutilation is illegal in this country (under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003) except on specific physical and mental health grounds. It is an offence to:
• Undertake the operation (except in specific physical or mental health grounds);
• Assist a girl to mutilate her own genitalia;
• Assist a non-UK person to undertake FGM of a UK national outside UK (except in specific physical or mental health grounds);
• Assist a UK national or permanent UK resident to undertake FGM of a UK national outside the UK (except in specific physical or mental health grounds).
Why is it carried out?
There is a belief that;
• FGM brings status/respect to the girl – social acceptance for marriage
• Preserves a girl’s virginity
• Part of being a woman / rite of passage
• Upholds family honour
• Cleanses and purifies the girl
• Gives a sense of belonging to the community
• Perpetuates a custom/tradition
• Helps girls be clean / hygienic
• It is cosmetically desirable
• Mistakenly believed to make childbirth easier
Circumstances and occurrences that may point to FGM happening:
• Child talking about getting ready for a special ceremony
• Family taking a long trip abroad
• Child’s family being from one of the ‘at risk’ communities for FGM (Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leon, Egypt, Nigeria, Eritrea as well as non-African communities including Yemeni, Afghani, Kurdistan, Indonesia and Pakistan)
• Knowledge that the child’s sibling has undergone FGM
• Child talks about going abroad to be ‘cut’ or to prepare for marriage
Signs that may indicate a child has undergone FGM:
• Prolonged absence from school and other activities
• Behaviour change on return from a holiday abroad, such as being withdrawn and appearing subdued
• Bladder or menstrual problems
• Finding it difficult to sit still and looking uncomfortable
• Complaining about pain between the legs
• Mentioning something somebody did to them that they are not allowed to talk about
• Secretive behaviour, including isolating themselves from the group
• Reluctance to take part in physical activity
• Repeated urinal tract infection
• Disclosure
This information was produced by the MKSCB – (now MK Together –
Any suspicion of intended or actual FGM MUST be reported to the one of the Designated Safeguarding Team immediately.
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
This will then be reported to Children’s Social Care in accordance with the MASH Referral and Assessment Procedures.
The procedure is typically performed on girls aged between 4 and 13, but is also performed on new born infants and on young women before marriage / pregnancy. A number of girls die as a direct result of the procedure, from blood loss or infection. Girls are genitally mutilated illegally by doctors or traditional health workers in the UK, or sent abroad for the operation.
Female genital mutilation is illegal in this country (under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003) except on specific physical and mental health grounds. It is an offence to:
• Undertake the operation (except in specific physical or mental health grounds);
• Assist a girl to mutilate her own genitalia;
• Assist a non-UK person to undertake FGM of a UK national outside UK (except in specific physical or mental health grounds);
• Assist a UK national or permanent UK resident to undertake FGM of a UK national outside the UK (except in specific physical or mental health grounds).
Why is it carried out?
There is a belief that;
• FGM brings status/respect to the girl – social acceptance for marriage
• Preserves a girl’s virginity
• Part of being a woman / rite of passage
• Upholds family honour
• Cleanses and purifies the girl
• Gives a sense of belonging to the community
• Perpetuates a custom/tradition
• Helps girls be clean / hygienic
• It is cosmetically desirable
• Mistakenly believed to make childbirth easier
Circumstances and occurrences that may point to FGM happening:
• Child talking about getting ready for a special ceremony
• Family taking a long trip abroad
• Child’s family being from one of the ‘at risk’ communities for FGM (Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leon, Egypt, Nigeria, Eritrea as well as non-African communities including Yemeni, Afghani, Kurdistan, Indonesia and Pakistan)
• Knowledge that the child’s sibling has undergone FGM
• Child talks about going abroad to be ‘cut’ or to prepare for marriage
Signs that may indicate a child has undergone FGM:
• Prolonged absence from school and other activities
• Behaviour change on return from a holiday abroad, such as being withdrawn and appearing subdued
• Bladder or menstrual problems
• Finding it difficult to sit still and looking uncomfortable
• Complaining about pain between the legs
• Mentioning something somebody did to them that they are not allowed to talk about
• Secretive behaviour, including isolating themselves from the group
• Reluctance to take part in physical activity
• Repeated urinal tract infection
• Disclosure
This information was produced by the MKSCB – (now MK Together –
Any suspicion of intended or actual FGM MUST be reported to the one of the Designated Safeguarding Team immediately.
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
This will then be reported to Children’s Social Care in accordance with the MASH Referral and Assessment Procedures.
types and signs of abuse
Recognising Concerns, Signs & Indicators of Abuse (this information has been taken from MKSB training materials)
Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. For Great Linford Primary School it includes such things as safety, bullying, racist abuse and harassment, educational visits, intimate care, children missing education and internet safety, etc. The witnessing of abuse can also have a damaging effect on those who are party to it, as well as the child subjected to the actual abuse, and in itself will have a significant impact on the health and emotional well-being of the child. Abuse can take place in any family, institution or community setting, by telephone or on the internet. Abuse can often be difficult to recognise as children may behave differently or seem unhappy for many reasons, as they move through the stages of childhood or their family circumstances change. However, it is important to know the indicators of abuse and to be alert to the need to consult further.
Physical Abuse
This can involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, punching, kicking, scalding, burning, drowning and suffocating. It can also result when a parent or carer deliberately causes the ill health of a child in order to seek attention through fabricated or induced illness. This was previously known as Munchhausen’s Syndrome by Proxy.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse is where a child’s need for love, security, recognition and praise is not met. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of someone else such as in Domestic Violence or Domestic Abuse. A parent, carer or authority figure is considered emotionally abusive when they are consistently hostile, rejecting, threatening or undermining toward a child or other family member. It can also occur when children are prevented from having social contact with others or if inappropriate expectations are placed upon them. Symptoms that indicate emotional abuse include:
• Excessively clingy or attention seeking
• Very low self-esteem or excessive self-criticism
• Withdrawn behaviour or fearfulness
• Lack of appropriate boundaries with strangers; too eager to please
• Eating disorders or self-harm
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. This may include physical contact both penetrative and non-penetrative, or viewing pornographic material including through the use of the internet. Indicators of sexual abuse include: allegations or disclosures, genital soreness, injuries or disclosure, sexually transmitted diseases, inappropriate sexualized behaviour including words, play or drawing.
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs that can significantly harm their health and development. Neglect can include inadequate supervision (being left alone for long periods of time), lack of stimulation, social contact or education, lack of appropriate food, shelter, appropriate clothing for conditions and medical attention and treatment when necessary.
Remember, if you have any concerns then contact one of the Designated Safeguarding Team:
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. For Great Linford Primary School it includes such things as safety, bullying, racist abuse and harassment, educational visits, intimate care, children missing education and internet safety, etc. The witnessing of abuse can also have a damaging effect on those who are party to it, as well as the child subjected to the actual abuse, and in itself will have a significant impact on the health and emotional well-being of the child. Abuse can take place in any family, institution or community setting, by telephone or on the internet. Abuse can often be difficult to recognise as children may behave differently or seem unhappy for many reasons, as they move through the stages of childhood or their family circumstances change. However, it is important to know the indicators of abuse and to be alert to the need to consult further.
Physical Abuse
This can involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, punching, kicking, scalding, burning, drowning and suffocating. It can also result when a parent or carer deliberately causes the ill health of a child in order to seek attention through fabricated or induced illness. This was previously known as Munchhausen’s Syndrome by Proxy.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse is where a child’s need for love, security, recognition and praise is not met. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of someone else such as in Domestic Violence or Domestic Abuse. A parent, carer or authority figure is considered emotionally abusive when they are consistently hostile, rejecting, threatening or undermining toward a child or other family member. It can also occur when children are prevented from having social contact with others or if inappropriate expectations are placed upon them. Symptoms that indicate emotional abuse include:
• Excessively clingy or attention seeking
• Very low self-esteem or excessive self-criticism
• Withdrawn behaviour or fearfulness
• Lack of appropriate boundaries with strangers; too eager to please
• Eating disorders or self-harm
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. This may include physical contact both penetrative and non-penetrative, or viewing pornographic material including through the use of the internet. Indicators of sexual abuse include: allegations or disclosures, genital soreness, injuries or disclosure, sexually transmitted diseases, inappropriate sexualized behaviour including words, play or drawing.
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs that can significantly harm their health and development. Neglect can include inadequate supervision (being left alone for long periods of time), lack of stimulation, social contact or education, lack of appropriate food, shelter, appropriate clothing for conditions and medical attention and treatment when necessary.
Remember, if you have any concerns then contact one of the Designated Safeguarding Team:
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
child protection
All Child Protection concerns need to be acted on immediately. If you are concerned that a child may be at risk or is actually suffering abuse, you should tell one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads at Great Linford Primary School. The Designated Safeguarding Team are:
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
All Adults, including the designated safeguarding staff, have a duty of care by law to refer all known or suspected cases of abuse to the relevant agencies including social services or the police. However, Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business. This means that every adult is responsible for ensuring children and young people are safe. If you suspect any child or young person is at risk, please contact
Milton Keynes Council Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):
Tel: 01908 253169 or 253170 during office hours or
Emergency Social Work Team 01908 265545 out of office hours
email: [email protected]
If a child or other person is at immediate risk of harm, the first response should always be to call the police on 999.
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
All Adults, including the designated safeguarding staff, have a duty of care by law to refer all known or suspected cases of abuse to the relevant agencies including social services or the police. However, Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business. This means that every adult is responsible for ensuring children and young people are safe. If you suspect any child or young person is at risk, please contact
Milton Keynes Council Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):
Tel: 01908 253169 or 253170 during office hours or
Emergency Social Work Team 01908 265545 out of office hours
email: [email protected]
If a child or other person is at immediate risk of harm, the first response should always be to call the police on 999.
The Government has defined extremism in the Prevent strategy as: “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
Front-line staff who have contact with the public should understand what radicalisation means and why people may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism as a consequence of it. They need to be aware of what we mean by the term extremism and the relationship between extremism and terrorism.
If a professional has any concerns that a child or young person may be showing signs of having been radicalised this should be referred using normal safeguarding procedures through the MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub). Schools are also able to contact Thames Valley Police via [email protected], but a MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) referral should also be completed.
Staff at Great Linford Primary School have annual Prevent training updates using the Home Office recommended guidance. They are aware of the signs and who then to pass the information onto within the school.
If you have any Prevent Concerns as a parent/carer please contact the Designated Safeguarding Team:
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot
Front-line staff who have contact with the public should understand what radicalisation means and why people may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism as a consequence of it. They need to be aware of what we mean by the term extremism and the relationship between extremism and terrorism.
If a professional has any concerns that a child or young person may be showing signs of having been radicalised this should be referred using normal safeguarding procedures through the MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub). Schools are also able to contact Thames Valley Police via [email protected], but a MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) referral should also be completed.
Staff at Great Linford Primary School have annual Prevent training updates using the Home Office recommended guidance. They are aware of the signs and who then to pass the information onto within the school.
If you have any Prevent Concerns as a parent/carer please contact the Designated Safeguarding Team:
Mr Bolger / Mr Jenkins / Mrs Mallett / Mrs Newton / Mr Talbot