Welcome to Year 1
The TeamPE DaysRowan Class Monday Morning Wednesday Afternoon Cedar Class Monday Morning Wednesday Afternoon |
ResourcesKey DatesMonday 3rd June - Back to School Tuesday 4th June - Class Photo Day Wednesday 5th June - Books at Bedtime 3.30pm in the hall WC: 10th June - Phonics Screening Check begins Tuesday 18th June - World Music Day Monday 24th June - Great Linford Proms 4.00pm – 5.00pm Instrumental performance and awards evening for all of the children that attend music lessons. Children will remain at school 3.15-4pm for a practise. Wednesday 26th June - 9.30am – 11.30am Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Sports day on the field. Thursday 4th July - Transition Morning Friday 5th July - 3.15pm – 5.30pm Summer Fete Monday 8th July - Home Learning due in Monday 15th July - 2.30pm Rocksteady performance in the hall to parents Wednesday 17th July - 3.30pm- 4.30pm EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 disco in the hall. Thursday 18th July - Last Home Learning Gallery Friday 19th July - Last Day of Term |
Term 6
History: How have explorers changed the world?This half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
WritingThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
MathsThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
Science- Making connections: Investigating science through storiesThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
Computing - Introduction to data |
This half term we will be learning to:
To support your child at home you could:
Art, Design and TechnologyThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
Music: By the SeaThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
This half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
PSHE - Changing MeThis half term we will be learning:
Suggested activities to support learningTo support your child at home you could:
PEThis half term we will be looking at games. This will include learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could: