Intent Statement
At Great Linford Primary School we use the KAPOW scheme to underpin our music learning. The intent of the curriculum is to enable children to develop a life-long love of music and to fulfil their creative, musical potential. We focus on developing the skills, knowledge and understanding that children need in order to become confident performers, composers and listeners. Our curriculum introduces children to music from across the world and generations, teaching children to respect and appreciate the music of all traditions and communities. We intend for children to have a range of musical experiences alongside their curriculum so that they also have a musical toolkit to continue to succeed in their music education into secondary school and beyond. We work in close partnership with the Milton Keynes Music Hub to network and provide our children with a personalised curriculum that reflects our local area. Implementation
At Great Linford Primary School we take a holistic approach in which strands are woven together within a spiral curriculum development. This in turn creates an engaging and enriching curriculum. Each of our strands run alongside a releveant cross-curricular topic to enagage, enrich and provide children with a meaningful context for learning within music. The five strands are:
At Great Linford Primary School we take pride in singing together as a whole school community each week, but also within our classes. Children are taught how to sing fluently and expressively for a purpose. At Christmas we host Carols on the Playground; a whole school community singing event. In Year 2 children attend the Milton Keynes Primary Singing Festival and children in Y3-6 also have the opportunity to attend Voice in a Million which is a national singing event held at Wembley OVO Arena. Children are taught how to play tuned and untuned instruments accurately with control and expression. Children also have the opportunity to play the recorder/tooty flutes for one term in year three. In Year 6 children attend the Open University Orchestra concert, which runs alongside their music topic. In Years 2-6 children experience a 'roadshow' provided by the Milton Keynes Music Hub. Children will learn about the interrelated musical dimensions (building blocks) and how these weave together to create music of different genres and generations. These are:
The teaching is provided by our Music Specialist Teacher Miss Creed from Years 1-6 who also supports EYFS teachers in their delivery of music. Each year group also has a 'music performance' opportunity to enrich their music learning. Within lessons, children are focused on being 'musical' and actively making music through the use of sing, dance and instruments. Musical learning is drawn from a range of styles and traditions; developing their musical skills and understand of how music is made in a range of different methods. Music is also promoted outside of the curriculum alongside MK Music Co-op and Rocksteady. Children have opportunities to showcase their instrumental learning journey each term. Some children also have the opportunity to attend local music festivals. Impact
Within our school the use and personalisation of the KAPOW scheme is constantly monitored through use of formative and summative assessments at the end of each unit against the appropriate expected learning outcomes. We use our online 'Music Floor Book' to document children's musical learning journey. This contains photos and recorded examples of performances to support their learning and moderation of their assessments. . Formative assessment within lessons is routinely used to adapt provision within and across individual lessons. Regular opportunities are created to rehearse key vocabulary and knowledge through continuous class based assessment. Teachers meet with the subject leaders to moderate assessment, and to identify any adaptation to provision that may be necessary for provision of learning to enable continued success and progress within music. Progression
Please see our progression document that shows how our curriculum strands develop from EYFS - Y6.
music Performance & enrichment
Music Performance and Enrichment at GLPS:
Local Community Links
Supporting From Home
Music Development PLan
Please find our updated Music Development Plan below:
Updated 31.10.24 |
Music in our school... |