Our Ethos and Vision
Our Mission (The reason for the school's existence)
At Great Linford Primary School we believe in the motto: 'Aspire - Achieve - Thrive - Enjoy' because this encapsulates everything that we aim to do.
Our 'ROOTS' approach:
Our children, staff and families will be characterised as demonstrating our five ‘ROOTS’
Respect All
At Great Linford Primary School we believe in the motto: 'Aspire - Achieve - Thrive - Enjoy' because this encapsulates everything that we aim to do.
Our 'ROOTS' approach:
Our children, staff and families will be characterised as demonstrating our five ‘ROOTS’
Respect All
- Great Linford children, staff and families show respect for other people, animals and their environment.
- Great Linford children, staff and families are all learners who continue to grow by believing they can and never giving up.
- Great Linford children, staff and families are all learners who try new ideas and grow their thinking, curiosity and imagination.
- Great Linford children, staff and families value and take care of their bodies and minds and those of others.
- Great Linford children, staff and families speak kindly to others to show they value the opinions of all.
Vision for our curriculum
At Great Linford Primary we are building a challenging curriculum that fosters a passion for lifelong learning by following these principles:
- Gives key skills and knowledge acquired by the children a real application and purpose
- Makes clear connections between subjects to enable learning to stick
- Is fully and carefully sequenced, building knowledge and skills year-on-year
- Demonstrates high expectations in all subjects
- Challenges children to excel
- Embeds technology across the curriculum with children having the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively and keep themselves safe
- Fosters creativity in the thinking of our children and encourages them to ask questions
- Challenges the children to find resourceful ways to solve problems
- Enables the children to think critically and reflect on their learning so that they can identify their own next steps forward
- Allows children to understand their rights and responsibilities within their school, local, national and global communities
- Fosters reciprocity between children as they work collaboratively to achieve common goals
- Strengthens self-esteem as they take pride in their work, appearance and school
- Allows children to express themselves in a variety of ways: physically, artistically, musically etc.
- Provides quality cultural experiences for all of our children
- Provides opportunities for every pupil to succeed