Intent Statement
Mathematics At Great Linford Primary School we aim to demonstrate to the children that mathematics is not made up of stand alone areas, rather it is a great interconnected web of concepts and understanding. A high-quality mathematics education is essential to navigating everyday life and making sense of the world around us, as well as being important for many forms of employment. We are committed to providing all children with a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject as well as the fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills they need to understand the world. We aim for the children in our school to be keen and independent problem solvers who can take risks and challenge themselves in their learning. We aim to stretch those who are ready to move onto deeper levels of understanding, while supporting and encouraging those who are still working on their foundational understanding. Implementation
Mathematics in our school is taught using the White Rose scheme from EYFS to Year 6. Children are taught in discrete daily maths lessons within their class setting, with additional regular fluency sessions being taught outside of these maths lessons. Mathematics also takes place across other curriculum subjects such as science and PE. In EYFS, KS1 and KS2, teachers are expected to plan their maths lessons following the statutory guidance and the White Rose schemes of work. While these schemes of work outline an approximate number of weeks that must be spent on a unit of work, this should always be based on AFL and teachers ensure that the class have mastered each small step before moving onto the next one. During our fluency sessions, teachers in EYFS, KS1 and Years 4 and 5 follow the NCETM’s Mastering Number programme in order to develop and deepen fluency skills. Years 3 and 6 revisit aspects of the Mastering Number programme and use the Ready to Progress Criteria to plan their fluency sessions. In order to encourage fluency practice at home, pupils take home five weekly fluency facts. The previous three weeks’ facts are tested on a Monday. Children are also encouraged to practise regularly on Numbots (EYFS and KS1) and TTRockstars (KS2). We believe that every child can master maths and can achieve this in a whole class setting. We do not set for maths below year 6 and instead use adaptation to support or challenge where needed, ensuring that the pitch is providing an appropriate level of challenge for each child. Children with additional needs, such as those with SEN or who have English as an additional language, are taught where possible within the daily maths lessons and specifically differentiated for when the need arises. Children who master small steps quicker than others are set to work on further independent challenges which they can access during the lesson, but are still working on the same learning objectives as the rest of the class in order to deepen their understanding, rather than being accelerated through new learning. Impact
Class Teachers are expected to make regular formative and summative evaluations of learning that determine whether pupils are meeting the expectations for individual lessons, and against the expectations set out in the curriculum progression document. Teachers seek the advice of colleagues and leaders where individuals or groups of pupils are not yet meeting the expectations. The Maths Leader ensures there is routine moderation of evaluations so that National Curriculum expectations are met by all. Where evidence indicates a need, individual, group or staff training is provided to ensure that professional subject knowledge exists, enabling all pupils to meet expected standards. Progression
Subject Days
Each year we celebrate World Number Day! Children dress up as their favourite numbers and spend the day exploring maths through a range of puzzles, challenges and games. We also link our maths learning to different curriculum areas to understand how maths is used in the wider world. The day ends with a times table battle in our whole school assembly. Local Community Links
Through our Time Table Rockstar website, we are able to regularly compete against other schools in our local area and across the whole of England. Each year, KS2 take part in England Rocks and some lucky winners in each year group take home a TT Rockstar pencil for their efforts towards our school totals. We also host regular in house competitions between classes and year groups. Supporting From Home
Our Calculation Policy Our Parent Pocket Guides give guidance on our calculation policy and how maths is taught in our school: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Weekly Maths Facts Every week, children bring home five new maths facts to practise and learn at home. These are then tested the following week along with the previous two weeks' facts (so 15 in total). Weekly Maths Facts Parent Workbooks You can also support your child's mathematical journey by using the Parent Workbooks at home supplied by White Rose. These are available on the White Rose website. Use your child's Google classroom page to identify which maths unit they are currently working on. The learning in the booklets will align with the teacher's daily lessons, allowing your child additional practise that they can complete at home. Parent Guidance Videos White Rose also provides free videos which you can access to develop your understanding of how maths is currently taught in primary schools. If you feel as though maths has changed since you were at school, or you are concerned about how best to support your child with maths at home, then these videos will be invaluable. We also have videos we have made for each key stage about how to support with maths: EYFS and KS1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2 MTC Check In June, Year 4 pupils take part in the statutory Multiplication Table Checks. The purpose of the MTC is to see whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. Schools must administer the checks to all eligible Year 4 pupils in the first three weeks of June. The MTC consists of 25 times table questions which are completed on a computer. The children will be given three practise questions before the test starts. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. You can help to prepare your child for the MTC by practising times tables at home using TTRockstars or other similar websites. The Soundcheck part of the TTRockstars website mimics the test conditions. Children will be tested on a variety of questions from different times tables up to 12 x 12, but will not be tested on division. You can find out more information about this here or by looking at the powerpoint from our parents workshop, held in November. Websites for Maths learning at home We have several different websites that we subscribe to which can help your child to develop their maths skills further at home. Log in details for these websites can be found inside the front cover of reading records. Click on the links below for more information about these different websites. Times Tables Rock Stars Numbots historical Information
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