Intent Statement
The National Curriculum is used to underpin our school’s History Curriculum. The development of knowledge and skills we expect is set out in our progression document. By learning History, our pupils will develop their ability to think critically, evaluate evidence, and ask questions – all essential to being an excellent Historian. Pupils learn about different civilizations and cultures throughout time, and across the globe, and develop their knowledge and understanding of significant people and events in British History. Through studying History, pupils will develop their understanding of the diversity of the world, and the impact of key decisions taken by historical figures. Implementation
History is a key driver within our curriculum and underpins our half termly thematic units. The progression document acts as the basis for teachers’ planning. It is tightly planned to ensure the breadth and balance of knowledge and skills are covered over time. Teachers follow the progression document closely, and only vary from it with the approval of the subject leader. Teachers may use their professional judgement to respond to British and global events to teach short discrete lessons.. These discrete lessons underpin knowledge, or develop a historical skill. Teachers create frequent opportunities for pupils to develop and recall knowledge. Impact
Progress will be assessed through the development of pre and post assessment questions. Teachers will use this information to analyse how effectively pupils are achieving or exceeding expectations and to adapt their planning accordingly. Teachers then evaluate the development of skills, providing specific ongoing feedback to pupils about their achievement and what to do next to develop further. Progression
Subject Days
Black History Day As a school we celebrated Black History Day to remember the important achievements of significant individuals within world history. Following a whole school assembly, each year group focused on a particular person and the children created artwork and a piece of writing. What will each of these look like in our school (e.g. assembly, WOW days, themed weeks etc). Local Community Links
As a school we take advantage of the many local links in our area. We regularly visit the Great Linford Manor Park where we take part in historical events and days that are run by the Parks Trust. We also have associations with Milton Keynes Museum where we are able to collect resources such as books and historical artefacts. Supporting From Home
Please see the following websites: BBC Bitesize National Geographic Kids The Historical Association historical Information
History in our school... |