Our CurriculumAt Great Linford, we are committed to the development of children’s social and emotional skills, children’s self-esteem and their life long health and well-being. We are dedicated to developing the children’s responsibilities towards themselves and others in school. We also make sure children feel part of the school's community through our values based approach to teaching PSHE. This commitment is embodied through our school values/roots: Respect All, Overcome Challenges, Opening Minds, Taking Care and Speaking Kindly. We use the roots everyday as the foundation of what drives our entire curriculum and they form an integral part to our teaching of PSHE. PSHE (National Curriculum) and PSED (Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum) are recognised as a statutory aspect of the curriculum, where teaching and learning focuses on the development of key life skills and responsibilities. It is designed to develop our children’s knowledge and understanding of the world so that they can make informed real life choices. As a school, we follow Jigsaw which is an award winning PSHE program of study. Jigsaw is a whole-school approach to PSHE which extensively covers all of the statutory Relationships and Health Education Guidance for primary schools as well as a progressive and extensive study of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education.
Relationships and Sex EducationPlease find below the links to our Sex Education units for each year group. Within the link is a copy of all the content and objectives used by teachers during Summer 2 to complete the unit for each year group. There is also a leaflet explaining exactly what the Jigsaw Scheme covers for parents attached.
Jigsaw SRE content grid - click here Jigsaw RSE parent leaflet - click here Upcoming events:
Curriculum Documents |
BullyingAt Great Linford Primary School, we take all reports of bullying incredibly seriously. We have a number of procedures that are used when they feel they have encountered bullying either directly or indirectly in school.
Please see this short clip from Miss. Parish below explaining some of the avenues open to all children to reporting bullying. Children can also report from home any online safety concerns by clicking here. Anti-Bullying Week 2022Great Linford always takes part in anti-bullying week and this year was no exception! During the week we used a combination of resources and activities from the Anti-Bullying Week alliance! Each child had the opportunity to decorate and create a shoe to be displayed which showed that we all 'Stand Up to Bullying'! Click the image across to find more information on the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Useful and Fun Websites!The Jigsaw website provides additional information to parents and teachers about the approach to PSHE across the school. There is also free resources for children and parents to download which can be used at home when tackling bullying or sensitive issues.
BBC Bitesize provides some excellent video clips and resources for parents and children to use at home. There is an extensive video library that covers a range of issues from puberty to healthy eating. Click the link above to see!
Click the link above for more information from the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Our Jigsaw Learning
PSHE is taught every week in classes explicitly and follows the Jigsaw overview for content. At Great Linford, we also have weekly assemblies which focus on many global issues and current news stories. Have a look at the gallery below to see some of the work our children have been doing in PSHE and in assembly time.
Year 2 visit Hazard Alley
Year 2 had the fantastic trip to the Safety Centre in December. Hazard Alley is a fantastic site in Milton Keynes which is dedicated to teaching children in the local area how to stay safe in everyday life. There are specialist teaching talks on road safety, rail safety and water safety. During the day, they are split off into groups to spend quality time looking in depth into how to deal with dangerous situations which may occur in everyday life. The children even had the opportunity to practise calling the emergency services in times of desperate need. Check back for photos soon!
Year 5 Choices and Consequences
Year 5 had a visit from the Hazard Alley safety centre in the Autumn! The specialist visitor came in to discuss the dangers surrounding the use/carrying of knives. The children were introduced to a fictional character in which a character is lead down a path towards believing that carrying a knife would help them to feel safe. They then explored some of the risks and consequences around this. As the story went on, they saw how these risks became more likely if you were to carry a knife. The children also learnt about peer pressure and how young children are sometimes used in gangs to carry out dangerous tasks so that others don't get into trouble.
School Council Food Bank Collection
The School Council have been conducting a drive for food for Milton Keynes Food Bank. Great Linford collected a whole shopping trolley full of food which will go a long way to help multiple families in Milton Keynes. Each child was awarded one house point for each piece of food which was collected. This week we collected up all the food and delivered it over to the food bank! The collection was a massive success and we look forward to future collections to support our local charities.
Lorry Day!
During the summer term, GLPS had a fantastic safety visit from Wicks! The morning started off with an interactive assembly to the whole school. Everyone had a chance to learn about the safety around lorries and how to ensure that they remain alert and safe when walking beside them! Wicks bought a lorry into school for the whole day and children had the chance to get inside and see how exciting it can be to be behind the wheel of a lorry. It was an amazing day and everyone had a great time inside the lorry! Check the slideshow below for photos!
Sun and water Safety
This year has been a particularly hot summer! Please take some time to visit some of the links below for more information on how to stay safe in the sun and water!
Teenagers especially are drawn in by peers and a keenness for risky behaviours. Just last Friday, a 16-year old boy drowned in a river in Buckinghamshire. (See here: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jun/25/body-boy-16-pulled-from-jubilee-river-taplow-buckinghamshire)
Some of the resources below might be helpful for assemblies or tutor sessions.
Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK)
Canal and River Trust - Summer water safety
Water Safety at the beach
Derbyshire Fire & Rescue
RNLI – Float to Live
RNLI – Activity sheets and posters
Colin the Coastguard
National Water Safety Signs – do you know what these mean?
Reservoir safety (United Utilities)
Particularly good package for use with teenagers
Open Water Education Network
Teenagers especially are drawn in by peers and a keenness for risky behaviours. Just last Friday, a 16-year old boy drowned in a river in Buckinghamshire. (See here: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jun/25/body-boy-16-pulled-from-jubilee-river-taplow-buckinghamshire)
Some of the resources below might be helpful for assemblies or tutor sessions.
Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK)
Canal and River Trust - Summer water safety
Water Safety at the beach
Derbyshire Fire & Rescue
RNLI – Float to Live
RNLI – Activity sheets and posters
Colin the Coastguard
National Water Safety Signs – do you know what these mean?
Reservoir safety (United Utilities)
Particularly good package for use with teenagers
Open Water Education Network
Food Bank Collections!
The School Council visited the foodbank to deliver all of the collections made by children since September. We had a fantastic amount of food donated and it was a massive success. All of the children enjoyed visiting and dropping off the contributions! Well done GLPS! The children compete across their houses to win house points and a non-school uniform day which creates a fantastic sense of competition and community across the school.