Parent Courses

New courses which we book for parents will be sent out to parents and carers via e mail.
Please confirm with Carol asap if you would like a place on any of the courses as places are limited.
[email protected]
01908 605027
Hi All The link below for Engage2Action Employability Boot camp may be of interest to some families. It is a 6 week online training course. If you are interested copy and paste it into your browser and follow the Engage2Action instructions.
The inclusion and intervention team have some fantastic opportunity for you to support your child with reading, writing and numeracy skills. Please click the link below to see the poster.
If you would like some tips to help your child with homework please have a look at the link below from the Inclusion and Intervention team
If you have an older child with Dyslexia in Key stage 3, 4 or 5 please see the link below from the Inclusion and Intervention team
Would you like to learn more about the spelling, punctuation and grammar your children are learning at school? Nouns, verbs, adverbs, prefixes, suffixes and possessive apostrophes: it can be quite intimidating for parents.
There has been a raised expectation for all children to have a good grasp of language terms and knowledge. On this course you will learn more about some of the new requirements and have fun developing your own skills to help your children.
Date: Starts Tuesday 23rd April (runs every Tuesday for 5 weeks)
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Location: CLMK Centre, Central Milton Keynes Library
Employability Award in Child Development Level 1
Start date 24th September 2018.
This is a 10 week course consisting of 2 hours of classroom based time and 3 hours of home learning. On the completion of the course students will gain a City and Guilds qualification in Child Development Level 1. The course will suit those wishing to gain experience in childcare, with a view to employability.
"I have experienced new learning" Selina "The course is helping me to understand and move to the next level of learning in childcare." Louise "The course is helping me to think of what I would like to do in the future. It has also helping me with my confidence" Farah " It is giving me a good understanding of what I need to do to for a job in the future." Rinoza
Why Weight?
A free healthy weight family programme ran at Great Linford Primary school every Thursday for 10 weeks from 4:30-5:45.
This course has been completed but if you would like any information regarding this or the Alive 'N' Kicking programme please speak to Carol in the office.
Fun with Maths Course
Parents and children of Foundation, Y1 and Y2 children worked together over 5 weeks in the
'Fun with Maths Course' to increase their knowledge in various areas of maths.
" I found the course very useful and informative. We made a robot using different shapes and learn't the shape names while we had fun."
Fatima Hussain
"I have learnt new maths vocabulary whilst making ladybirds with Syed."
Selina Begum
Parents and children of Foundation, Y1 and Y2 children worked together over 5 weeks in the
'Fun with Maths Course' to increase their knowledge in various areas of maths.
" I found the course very useful and informative. We made a robot using different shapes and learn't the shape names while we had fun."
Fatima Hussain
"I have learnt new maths vocabulary whilst making ladybirds with Syed."
Selina Begum
Parent and Child Art Course
Our Parents and children created some lovely designer bags at the 'Parent and Art Course' for Y3, Y4 andY5
Our Parents and children created some lovely designer bags at the 'Parent and Art Course' for Y3, Y4 andY5

Great Linford Primary School working in partnership with Great Linford Parish Council Offices
Tuesday 3rd January 2017 -Parents Breakfast Club -Grand Opening -9:30-3:30 at Great Linford Parish Council, Linford House, 1 St Leger Court, Great Linford MK14 5HA
Carol and some of our parents were invited to a pre-breakfast meeting to find out what would be happening at the breakfast club. Below are a few of the topics and support that will be available there.
You can socialise, share skills, experiences, cuture and knowledge, discuss issues, be sign posted to advise organisations There will be regular guest speakers and you will have access to support networks. This will be run by Great Linford Parish Council in partnership with Global Outreach.
If you would like to attend the breakfast club please go along and join in on the 1st Tuesday of every month.
Past Parent and Child Courses Employability Award in Child Development Level 1, 10 week course start date 24th Sept 2018 10 weeks 'Fun with Maths' every Wednesday 9am-11am for 5 weeks Start date 18th April 2018 Making and Using Story sacks course for parents with children in Foundation, Years 1, 2 . 10 week course, Start Date 26th September 2017 Improve your Communication Skills for all parents 4 week course, Start Date 28th September 2017 Cooking on a budget 6 week course Start Date 1st November 2017 SPaG course for parents with children in Years 3,4 and 5, 5 week course, Start Date 13th June 2017 SPaG course for parents with children in Foundation and KS1, 5 week course Start Date 25th April 2017 Parent and Child Art course 5 week course, Foundation and KS1 Start Date 23rd February 2017 Parent and child Art course 5 week course, Years 3, 4 and 5 Start Date 12th January 2017 Fun with Maths 5 week course, Foundation and KS1 Start Date 10th January 2017 Making and using Story Sacks 8 week course, Foundation and KS1 Start Date 15th Sept 2016 Fun with Phonics 5 week course, Foundation and KS1 Start date 20th Sept 2016 Family English 6 week course, Foundation to Year 3 Start Date 7th June 2016 Fun with Maths 6 week course, Foundation and Year 1 Start Date 19th April 2016 Fun with Phonics 5 week course, Foundation to Y4 Start Date 23rd February 2016 Managing Stress Course 6 week course, Foundation to Year3 Start Date 13th January 2016 |
Quotes from Parents
Fun with Phonics - "This was an excellent workshop. I have incorporated various techniques learnt into our day to day activities. I have noticed Asha reading has improved and she is more confident to pick out books and read at bedtime." Fun with Maths - " I found the course very helpful in teaching me diferent ways to help Lucas with his maths. It was good to meet with new people. Lucas is enjoying the new games we made in class at home." Managing Stress Course- " It has been good meeting others in similar situations and knowing your not alone. It is fantastic that the school invest in the parents on these course." |
Cooking Challenge
GLPS students cooked up some fantastic dishes as part of the Recipe and Cooking Challenge organised by GLPS, Food Bank and John Lewis.
FAST Programme
GLPS ran the Families and Schools Together Programme on a Monday night after school for 8 weeks to support families within our school community.
The benfits included:
For Parents. . .
The benfits included:
For Parents. . .
- Talk with other parents about common interests
- Learn about school and community resources
- Share and enjoy a nutritious evening meal with other families
- Win a family gift basket
- Discover more ways to have fun with the whole family
For the Children . . .
- Color, glue, cut, and paint (arts and crafts)
- Play with other children and siblings, make new friends
"FAST has given us the opportunity to take time out of life and spend time together as a family." Alyson Aindow
" We all loved the sessions as we were able to create, build, sing, eat together and let our immaginations go. We also enjoyed winning the hamper and socialising with other lovely children and parents." The Turner Family
" We all loved the sessions as we were able to create, build, sing, eat together and let our immaginations go. We also enjoyed winning the hamper and socialising with other lovely children and parents." The Turner Family