Welcome to Year 3
The Team
PE Days: Chestnut Class: Monday (hall) and Wednesday (outside) Oak Class: Tuesday (hall) Wednesdau (outside) Children come to school in PE kit on PE days. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves, please ensure they are not worn on PE days. |
Key Dates
During Term 1
Project - Ancient GreeceWe will be learning:
● Ancient Greece period was 700-480 B.C. ● BC stands for Before Christ and AD stands for Anno Domini. ● Greece is located in Europe; made up of 6,000 islands and islets scattered in the Aegean and Ionian Seas. ● Athenian and Spartans had an on-going conflict. ● How Athenians developed modern day democracy. ● How Ancient Greeks developed the Olympics games. |
Suggested Activities to Support Learning
To support your child at home you could:
Writing |
Suggested activities to support learning: |
We will be learning how to:
● Consolidate our punctuation, tense, sentence types, noun phrases from our learning in previous years, ● use fronted adverbials (words and phrases) add information explaining where, when or how. ● create and use expanded noun phrases use adjectives and prepositional phrases to add detail to a noun. ● use paragraphs group related material. ● use adverbs describe verbs explaining how things happen. ● use prepositions within our writing to tell you where or when something is. ● use coordinating conjunctions join two related phrases.
To support your child at home you could:
ReadingThis half term our class text is:
Greek Myths - by Marcia Williams. We will be learning how to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
MathsThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
ScienceThis half term we will be learning all about Our Skeleton. We will be Learning that:
● Bone is a living tissue. ● Skeletons provide support, protection and allow movement. ● The ribs form a protective structure around the heart and lungs; the skull protects the brain. ● Inside bone is a spongy tissue called bone marrow. ● Elastic groups of fibres known as ligaments join bones together. ● We are born with around 300 bones but as we age, some fuse together. Adults only have 206 bones. ● An exoskeleton is an external skeleton. ● There three main types of joints: sliding, hinge and ball and socket. |
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
PSHEThis half term we will be learning to:
● Recognise my worth and identify positive things about myself and my achievements. ● Know how to face new challenges positively. ● Understand how to make responsible choices and ask for help when needed. ● Understand why rules are needed and how they relate to rights and responsibilities. ● Understand how actions can affect me and others. Know how to make responsible choices. |
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
PEOutdoor PE is Wednesday Indoor PE is Monday or Tuesday This half term, during outdoor PE, we will be learning to: ● Perform basic skills of throwing, catching 3-4 metres apart. ● Throw and catch a variety of ways with control and confidence, sometimes on the move. ● Perform bouncing into a target area, catching and dribbling. ● Be able to throw, catch, move into space and score. ● Be able to perform ball handling skills accurately, showing awareness of space and team mates. Play the game successfully outwitting the opponents to score. This half term, during indoor PE, we will be learning to: ● Slide on back, front and from tuck sit to pike sit. ● Travel (T arms, releve walk, battement walk). ● Balance using different points of contact. ● Spin on bottom in tuck shape, on front, on back and complete a half and full spin on one foot. ● Roll (dish, log, egg, teddy bear, forward/backward). ● Accurately and safely leap (split, cat, stag, scissor), jump (1/4, 1/2, full, tuck, star, straight) and land. Please ensure children have appropriate clothing in case of cold weather such as jumpers and jogging bottoms. Children will be wearing PE kit on PE days for the whole day so these must be suitable for the weather. |
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
REThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
FrenchThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
ComputingThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
Music and Performance
This half term we will be learning to:: Tell stories through music.
To support your child at home you could:
Art, Design and Technology
This half term in Design Technology we will be learning to:
construct a castle
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
Unique Information for Year 3 - Caldecotte Residential Trip 2024
This our our Year 3 residential trip is to Caldecotte Xperience in July staying overnight in the accommodation provided there.
More information can be found below about some of the activities the children may have a chance to do.
For more information about this upcoming trip, please attend our meeting after school on To be confirmed
More information can be found below about some of the activities the children may have a chance to do.
For more information about this upcoming trip, please attend our meeting after school on To be confirmed