Great Linford KS1 Data
Teachers will make judgements against each pupil by the end of June for English reading, writing, maths and science. They will assess whether a child is:
In 2018/19:
In Reading, 75% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard nationally. ▲ GLPS pupils achieved 4% above national figures.
In Writing, 69% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard nationally. ▲ GLPS pupils achieved 5% above national figures.
In Maths, 76% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard nationally. ▲ GLPS pupils achieved 5% above national figures.
- Working at a Greater Depth (not for science) within the expected standard (GDS).
- Working at the expected standard (EXS).
- Working towards the expected standard (WTS) in Reading, Writing and Maths, and ‘Has Not Met the Expected Standard’ (HNM) in Science.
In 2018/19:
In Reading, 75% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard nationally. ▲ GLPS pupils achieved 4% above national figures.
In Writing, 69% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard nationally. ▲ GLPS pupils achieved 5% above national figures.
In Maths, 76% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard nationally. ▲ GLPS pupils achieved 5% above national figures.
Year 2 Tests (End of KS1)
In addition to the Phonics re-screening for any children who did not pass the Phonics test in Year 1, Year 2 pupils will also be assessed by their teacher, and will also sit the Year 2 SATs at some point convenient to the school in the month of May. Unlike the Phonics test and the Year 6 SATs, there is no national set week for testing.
Will my child be assessed just on these tests?
No, these tests do not form the basis of pupils’ results at the end of Year 2. They give evidence that could support a teacher’s assessments.
Who sees my child’s results?
Unlike the Key Stage 2 (Year 6) results, tests are marked internally by the school.
Where can I get more information about these tests?
Additional information about the Key Stage 1 tests can be found on the GOV.UK website. This website includes previous years’ test materials. Additionally, official literature (a leaflet and video) aimed at parents about the Key Stage 1 SATs are available on the government website.
No, these tests do not form the basis of pupils’ results at the end of Year 2. They give evidence that could support a teacher’s assessments.
Who sees my child’s results?
Unlike the Key Stage 2 (Year 6) results, tests are marked internally by the school.
Where can I get more information about these tests?
Additional information about the Key Stage 1 tests can be found on the GOV.UK website. This website includes previous years’ test materials. Additionally, official literature (a leaflet and video) aimed at parents about the Key Stage 1 SATs are available on the government website.