Welcome to Year 6
ResourcesKey Dates
Monday 15th April - Children back to school
Term 5
Project - Geography - Where does our energy come from? This half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support Learning
To support your child at home you could:
Writing and Reading - Holes We will be continuing to use Holes as our class text this half term while re prepare for SATs.
Reading: Using Holes, this half term we will be learning to:
Writing: This half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
MathsThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
Science - Circulation and HealthThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
Computing - Big DataThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
DT - Textiles and WaistcoatsThis half term we will be learning:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
Music - Film MusicThis half term we will be learning to:
Suggested Activities to Support LearningTo support your child at home you could:
PE - Striking and fielding
In PE this half term we will be learning:
-how to throw a ball underarm at a wicket from a variety of directions
how to increase distance when throwing over arm
-how to perform close catching and deep fielding catching with consistency
-how to stop the ball using 2 different techniques and return accurately to partner
-how to demonstrate wicket keeping stance and sideways movement
-how to perform overarm bowling technique
-how to improve batting accuracy and directional batting using a forward drive
-how to hit a ball bowled underarm
using a forward drive
-how to throw a ball underarm at a wicket from a variety of directions
how to increase distance when throwing over arm
-how to perform close catching and deep fielding catching with consistency
-how to stop the ball using 2 different techniques and return accurately to partner
-how to demonstrate wicket keeping stance and sideways movement
-how to perform overarm bowling technique
-how to throw a ball underarm at a wicket from a variety of directions
how to increase distance when throwing over arm
-how to perform close catching and deep fielding catching with consistency
-how to stop the ball using 2 different techniques and return accurately to partner
-how to demonstrate wicket keeping stance and sideways movement
-how to perform overarm bowling technique
-how to improve batting accuracy and directional batting using a forward drive
-how to hit a ball bowled underarm
using a forward drive
-how to throw a ball underarm at a wicket from a variety of directions
how to increase distance when throwing over arm
-how to perform close catching and deep fielding catching with consistency
-how to stop the ball using 2 different techniques and return accurately to partner
-how to demonstrate wicket keeping stance and sideways movement
-how to perform overarm bowling technique